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ArcMap in VB.net


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Hey, guys... i want to ask something... i'm very new to arcGIS software and i'm currently trying to make a project using VB.net. I have created a .shp file using ArcMap which i have loaded to the VisualStudio form using the ArcGIS 10 Engine Map Control. My .shp file consists of a map and a layer of points (let's say it is "building" layer). My question is, is it possible if i want to interact with the map which i loaded in VB.net? Such as, when i click on the points, then i show a message box with the name of the building or something like that... please give an example code too if it is possible... thanks...

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Im not a VB.NET user, but you can see here :




and dont forget to see here :

for arcgis 9.3 and before





arcgis 10




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