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How to perform NDVI on multi temporal landsat etm images


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Hello pls you tell me the steps required to conduct NDVI on landsat imageries from 2000 to 2009. I am using Erdas and am new to everything. thank you

just following up to the above. i want to map mosquito breeding habitats using an ndvi stratification. from literature ndvi values of 0.54 and above re associated with potential mosquito habitats. i want to see how these habitats change over the years for the period 2000 to 2009. i have chosen to use landsat instead of modis cos of the spatial resolution which is too coarse and will make me miss identifying almost all habitats.

i have downloaded landsat for this period with L1T correction and also with imageries that are slc-off. i am using erdas software to achieve this huge task. where do i start from.

do i need to do any further correction on the landsat imageries since they are multi temporal though they are all landsat 7 etm+ and they are L1T status?

how do i go about  correcting for the slc off issues?

how do i derive ndvi using erdas? I saw an ndvi tool in erdas and it asks me for the imagery type and it doesn't have landsat etm+ only landsat 7 option. do they mean same imagery? I then tried to do it with the model maker but I cannot even figure it out and how to build the model.

thank you

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big task that have to do...but is very usefull know how....

1. have to know the process for calculate the NDVI , whats band ares inside of the calculate process:

NDVI: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index: 442f389d025687995da13229c5024f98.png

for lansat TM: formula_paso_2.gif

for lansat 7: Just take the band 3 and band 4 and use the same formula like lansat TM.

in erdas have two Model (model maker module) ther can get the right model for make NDVI analyst.

With the problems of slc-off get in this forum the GAPFilling soft (


)and use it for resolve this SLC-off .

this topic can hep to you for too.




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big task that have to do...but is very usefull know how....

1. have to know the process for calculate the NDVI , whats band ares inside of the calculate process:

NDVI: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index: 442f389d025687995da13229c5024f98.png

for lansat TM: formula_paso_2.gif

for lansat 7: Just take the band 3 and band 4 and use the same formula like lansat TM.

in erdas have two Model (model maker module) ther can get the right model for make NDVI analyst.

With the problems of slc-off get in this forum the GAPFilling soft (


)and use it for resolve this SLC-off .

this topic can hep to you for too.




Thank you for your help. For the landsat L1T do I need to do any radiometric or geometric correction?

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It is necessary to get the stretch value  of NDVI Images between -1 to +1. For this follow the steps given below

1. Do atmospheric correction of TM images using ATCOR 3D utility. (Include the 6th A band also).

2. Remove the 6th band from the resultant image using layer stack utility.

3. Convert your  resultant image iinto reflectance using LANDSAT 7 reflectance utility.

4. Use resultant image to generate NDVI images.

5. You will get the stretch between -1 to +1. The LUT value and NDVI value will be the same in all ndvi images (but histogram value will be changed).

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It is necessary to get the stretch value  of NDVI Images between -1 to +1. For this follow the steps given below

1. Do atmospheric correction of TM images using ATCOR 3D utility. (Include the 6th A band also).

2. Remove the 6th band from the resultant image using layer stack utility.

3. Convert your  resultant image iinto reflectance using LANDSAT 7 reflectance utility.

4. Use resultant image to generate NDVI images.

5. You will get the stretch between -1 to +1. The LUT value and NDVI value will be the same in all ndvi images (but histogram value will be changed).

would you share an tutorial with images the how to for have more clear this methods.

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Respected 3dbu


I have done a very analytical study of changes in vegetative cover in my study region using the images of 1976 (TM MSS), 1990 (Landsat-5), 2005 (Landsat-7 etm) and 2010 (Landsat-7 etm) to create ndvi images. All these images were of October month. After doing lot of study I got success to get the stretch of all the ndvi images from -1 to +1. I followed the steps I mentioned in my previous post. The most important step is 3 where we have to get output reflectance image in unsigned 8 bit format (In case of Landsat-7 images). I got the same lut value and ndvi value in all the images (for example in the attribute table of all the ndvi images I got the 0.25 ndvi value at the lut value of 160). Interestingly, I didn't covert my atcor images of 1976 and 1990 into reflectance images, despite this, I got the stretch value from -1 to +1. It is my wish to share my this study in form of tutorial but I don't know how to take screen shot and edit those shots and upload to this forum.

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  • 1 month later...

Why do you want to stretch the values between -1 and 1? Aren't they allready inside it? If they aren't then there is a problem with the original data (i.e. negative values). 

With good data set and correctly calculated NDVI you'll always get a ratio between -1 and 1 no matter what the units you put in are (DN, radiance or reflectance). Reflectance with atleast atmospheric correction should give the most reliable results.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Respected 3dbu


I have done a very analytical study of changes in vegetative cover in my study region using the images of 1976 (TM MSS), 1990 (Landsat-5), 2005 (Landsat-7 etm) and 2010 (Landsat-7 etm) to create ndvi images. All these images were of October month. After doing lot of study I got success to get the stretch of all the ndvi images from -1 to +1. I followed the steps I mentioned in my previous post. The most important step is 3 where we have to get output reflectance image in unsigned 8 bit format (In case of Landsat-7 images). I got the same lut value and ndvi value in all the images (for example in the attribute table of all the ndvi images I got the 0.25 ndvi value at the lut value of 160). Interestingly, I didn't covert my atcor images of 1976 and 1990 into reflectance images, despite this, I got the stretch value from -1 to +1. It is my wish to share my this study in form of tutorial but I don't know how to take screen shot and edit those shots and upload to this forum.

great man good if you want to share with us all your study and result make capture with some software that make there are many if nos is possible keep each step and make a video recording your sesion  use camptasia,and other ....and share it in video format for see it and learn more of your experience...regads

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