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OneWeb launches alternative navigation service amid GPS vulnerability concerns


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Satellite communications company OneWeb unveiled a new positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) service amid global concerns about GPS vulnerability to jamming and interference in critical sectors such as defense, aviation and emergency services.

The service, called Astra, aims to ensure uninterrupted communications for OneWeb’s satellite broadband customers, even when GPS or other global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals are unavailable or compromised. 

The system utilizes a software-defined outdoor receiver capable of accessing PNT signals from both GNSS and alternative PNT broadcast services such as Iridium satellites.

Upon identifying an alternative PNT source, Astra generates an output signal compatible with the standard GPS L1 interface, the company said. The service offers different versions for the U.S. government and for allied governments.

Kevin Steen, President and CEO of Eutelsat America Corp. and OneWeb Technologies, said Astra is a “game-changer for defense users operating in difficult environments.” 

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