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Idrisi Terrset to Terrset liberaGIS


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Dear TerrSet/IDRISI Community, 


We are writing to share important and exciting news: Effective December 2, 2024, a new open access version of TerrSet/IDRISI will be released. Made possible by Clark Lab's merger with the new Clark Center for Geospatial Analytics (Clark CGA), the new version will be free to all users. This is the realization of a 37-year dream – to make the software accessible to everyone, everywhere.  


Between now and December 2, a series of progressive discounts will be applied as follows:


  • Starting Aug. 28, 2024, all licenses and renewals will be 25% off. 
  • Starting Oct. 1, 2024, all licenses and renewals will be 50% off. Low-income country discounts, organizational pricing, and student starter licenses will end. 
  • Starting Nov. 1, 2024, all licenses and renewals will be 75% off. 
  • On Dec. 2, 2024, liberaGIS will be released and all its licenses will be free.
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