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ArcGIS 9.1 (and now 9.2, 9.3, 10.0) Annoyances


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Keep on trying

None of these annoyances are enough to give up using ArcGIS entirely, but you may well wish for an alternative sometimes.

At least knowing that the function does not exist, or that there is no workaround would save a lot of frustration and time. Solutions are hard to find, especially if they are buried in the ESRI knowlegebase. The answers have improved recently with more acknowlegement that users have problems.

If I know of a forum discussion, I will reference it, or give my own tips. I do not expect any of these tips to ever be in the knowlegebase. If only we had a Wiki with compact and summarised answers.

I have been using 9.3.1 and can summarise the improvements in geoprocessing as: Most things now work, but its hard to see how to script them with such weak help and few examples.

Now 10.0 this will be IT. No more changes, so the annoyances found will be staying for some time now. Even anticipated service packs only fix bugs, not annoyances.





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damned, thats right  :laugh:

the slowness, random error, sometimes i get crazy using this stuff,  :lipsrsealed:

for example , right now, using arcscene 10 in windows 7, even I cant make the data displayed correctly on my laptop

damned, I hate that  :cry:

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another annoyances, I face this problem too everytimes make new features

check it




and this the other annoyances




all on ArcGIS 10

:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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