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Need to rectify many old aerial photos ?
Which one do you recommend me to use ERDAS AutoSync or Photogrammetry to orthorectify many old aerial photos ? I have about 600 of them.
The aerial photos I have do not have georeferenced.
PGSQL Enterpise GDB connection error
By rahmansunbeam,
Did anyone face this error?
I am repeatedly facing this while connecting ArcGIS Desktop to PostgreSQL. I installed the PostgreSQL with apt-get inside an Ubuntu vm. The vm also has Enterprise 10.5.1 installed and configured. The plan is to configure the Portal once this connection is done.
I have already tried copying the ST_GEOMETRY file (*.so) for v9.5 (/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/lib) but that didn't work. Also tried 9.4 and 9.6. Tried both desktop and server files.
Purchase ArcGIS for Personal Use
By Reyalino,
applDear All,
Anyone here uses arcgis for personal use? The price in Indonesia is IDR 549.000 around (USD 40)/year (does not include applicable sales Tax or VAT), the price includes as quotes. I am planning to buy, but I would like to hear from any of you who already used it. Thanks in advance.
The upcoming features of QGIS 3
By rahmansunbeam,
Check out the NorthRoadGeo demonstration of the newest features of the upcoming QGIS 3.
There’s also a lot of behind-the-scenes changes which they haven’t touched, e.g. a switch to Python 3 and Qt 5 libraries, a brand new, rewritten QGIS server, new QGIS web client, enhanced metadata integration, GeoNode integration, HiDPI support, a cleaner, stabler, easier PyQGIS API, 1000s more unit tests, and so much more. Get the development f
Add Multiple Features Arcpy
By Reyalino,
Hi All,
Using arcpy mapping module I am trying to add multiple shapefiles
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "D:/Directory/Map"
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("D:/Directory/Map/layout.mxd")
listFC = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for fc in listFC:
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
layer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(fc)
When I run those script via jupyter notebook only 1 shapefile is added to the arcgis. But when
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