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    List of very High Resolution satellite data

    By EmperoR,
    Satellite image data with a spatial resolution of 1 meter or better, are labeled as “very high resolution” or VHR imagery.  New VHR active (SAR) and passive (optical) sensors are available and suitable for new applications. The new VHR sensors provide spatially detailed information on the surface of the Earth of particular importance for a number of applications related to human security. These include analysis of settlements, quantifying urban sprawl, enumerating refugee and IDP camps, and cris

    ILWIS 3.7 beta released

    By Lurker,
    The ILWIS community is pleased to publish a beta version of ILWIS 3.7! Work has gone into improving vector functionality. This isn't the final product and a few of the things planned for this version have been shifted to 3.7.1, but it contains a number of new functions, bug fixes and general improvements. New applications include:     * PointMapUnion     * PointMapIntersect     * PointMapSymetricDifference     * PointMapDifference     * PointMapRelate     * SegmentMapVoronoi    

    What are the deprecation plans for ArcGIS 9.3.1 and ArcGIS 9.4 ?

    By Lurker,
    Hello, i find some interesting articles, related for our ArcGIS 9.3.1 and upcoming 9.4 release ESRI said that some support and function will be remove from ArcGIS packages some example are : 1. ArcPAD toolbars will be removed 2. Crystal Report will be removed 3. Survey Editor and survey dataset within survey analyst extension will be removed 4. No support for Visual Basic 6, Visual Studio 2005, Windows 2000, AIX Operating system, IE6, MS SQL Server 2000, etc :blur: some operatin

    ArcScan - raster painting toolbar

    By lefterist,
    Good Afternoon, First of all caus' of being newbie I don't know where to post a help topic, so please move it to the proper section (at mods / admins of course). I'm making a map whose minor fault is that the hillshading raster I use doesn't stick well with my coastline together. I don't want to mess with AI even if I use it for graphic postediting to my map, instead I tried the raster painting toolbar.. but nothing. It's everytime inactive. I tried to work with different raster formats, but

    MAPublisher 8.2 for Adobe Illustrator released

    By Lurker,
    - Powerful cartographic suite now supports geospatial PDF and ESRI databases - Toronto, ON, November 24, 2009 - Avenza Systems Inc., producers of MAPublisher cartographic software for Adobe Illustrator and Geographic Imager spatial tools for Adobe Photoshop is pleased to announce the release of MAPublisher 8.2 for Adobe Illustrator. MAPublisher 8.2 is the latest version of this powerful mapmaking software used to produce high quality maps from GIS data for both print and electronic distributi

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    • great news, but I hope the future is brighter if they decide to make it free, coz some software went downhill after set to free. btw, news page is here; https://www.clarku.edu/centers/geospatial-analytics/2024/08/27/announcement-terrset-liberagis/
    • Superb news. "The word liberagis in Esperanto means liberated, set free." -well said.
    • Dear TerrSet/IDRISI Community,    We are writing to share important and exciting news: Effective December 2, 2024, a new open access version of TerrSet/IDRISI will be released. Made possible by Clark Lab's merger with the new Clark Center for Geospatial Analytics (Clark CGA), the new version will be free to all users. This is the realization of a 37-year dream – to make the software accessible to everyone, everywhere.     Between now and December 2, a series of progressive discounts will be applied as follows:   Starting Aug. 28, 2024, all licenses and renewals will be 25% off.  Starting Oct. 1, 2024, all licenses and renewals will be 50% off. Low-income country discounts, organizational pricing, and student starter licenses will end.  Starting Nov. 1, 2024, all licenses and renewals will be 75% off.  On Dec. 2, 2024, liberaGIS will be released and all its licenses will be free.
    • The Role of a GIS Portfolio: More Than Just a Resume A resume provides a snapshot of your education, skills, and experience, but a GIS portfolio offers a deeper dive into what you can actually do. It's the difference between telling and showing. While a resume might list "proficiency in ArcGIS" as a skill, a portfolio can demonstrate this proficiency through detailed examples of projects you've completed, maps you've created, and problems you've solved using GIS technology. Your GIS portfolio should include a variety of work samples that highlight your capabilities across different areas of GIS. This might include: Maps and Visualizations: High-quality maps that demonstrate your ability to analyze spatial data and present it in a clear, compelling manner. Project Descriptions: Detailed write-ups of the projects you've worked on, including the challenges you faced, the solutions you implemented, and the impact of your work. Data Analysis: Examples of your ability to analyze and interpret spatial data, using tools such as ArcGIS, or other GIS software. Programming and Automation: If applicable, include scripts or code snippets that show your ability to automate GIS tasks or perform advanced spatial analysis. By including these elements, your portfolio becomes a powerful tool that not only highlights your technical skills but also tells the story of your professional journey in GIS. Building Your Portfolio: A Step-by-Step Guide Creating a GIS portfolio might seem daunting, especially if you're early in your career and don't yet have a wealth of experience to draw from. However, with a strategic approach, you can build a portfolio that effectively showcases your potential. 1) Start with What You Have Don't wait until you've accumulated years of experience before you start building your portfolio. Start with the projects you've completed during your education or any internships you've done. Even classroom assignments can be valuable portfolio pieces if they demonstrate your skills and your ability to solve real-world problems. 2) Choose a Platform Your GIS portfolio needs a home, and there are several platforms you can use to create it. Websites like GitHub, Behance, or even a personal website can serve as a platform for your portfolio. Esri’s ArcGIS StoryMaps, ArcGIS Experience Builder, or ArcGIS Hub are excellent tools that allows you to create interactive, visually compelling narratives that showcase your work. 3) Showcase a Variety of Skills When selecting projects for your portfolio, aim for diversity. Include projects that demonstrate your proficiency with different GIS tools and techniques, from spatial analysis and geocoding to data visualization and programming. This not only shows potential employers the breadth of your skills but also your adaptability in different areas of GIS. 4) Provide Context A map or a data visualization on its own might look impressive, but without context, it's just a pretty picture. For each project in your portfolio, provide a brief description that explains the problem you were trying to solve, the methods you used, and the results you achieved. This context is crucial for helping potential employers understand the impact of your work. 5)  Keep It Updated Your portfolio should be a living document that evolves as your career progresses. Make it a habit to update your portfolio regularly with new projects and skills. This not only keeps your portfolio fresh but also serves as a reminder of your growth and accomplishments in the field. Leveraging Your Portfolio: How to Use It Effectively Once you've built your GIS portfolio, the next step is to leverage it in your job search and career development. Here are some strategies for making the most of your portfolio: 1) Use It in Job Applications When applying for GIS positions, include a link to your portfolio in your resume and cover letter. This allows potential employers to see firsthand what you can do, rather than just reading about it. 2) Bring It to Interviews In an interview, your portfolio can be a powerful tool for demonstrating your skills and experience. Consider bringing a tablet or laptop to the interview so you can walk the interviewer through your portfolio and discuss the projects in detail. 3) Share It on Professional Networks Platforms like LinkedIn are great for sharing your portfolio with a wider audience. Post updates about new projects you’ve added to your portfolio and include a link to your portfolio in your LinkedIn profile. This increases your visibility and can attract potential employers or collaborators. 4) Use It for Networking When networking at conferences or industry events, your portfolio can serve as a conversation starter. Whether you’re talking to potential employers or peers in the industry, being able to show them your work can leave a lasting impression. In the competitive and ever-evolving field of GIS, having a well-crafted portfolio is not just an option—it’s a necessity. A strong GIS portfolio serves as a powerful tool for showcasing your skills, telling your professional story, and navigating your career path. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to make a career transition, your portfolio can help you stand out, demonstrate your value, and open doors to new opportunities in the geospatial industry.
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