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Extracting Raster Dataset extents
By tweets,
I'm looking for a way to extract the extents of a raster dataset using Arc9.3.1 or FME 2012. I need to export them into a polygon feature class. i'm not talking about the north south east west of the entire dataset either, I am talking the actual data extents of the dataset, this will be an irregular polygon that follows the edges of the data. I know that a raster catalog has a wireframe at certain zoom levels but this is not what I want and I don't want to convert all my datasets to raster cata
Web Mapping programming With Arc GIS Server 10.1
By Amir 2010a,
in ArcGIS 10.1 ESRI still supports webgis grogramming with ArcGIS Web ADF Control for java/ DontenFramework
but in my opinion ESRI will decide to invest on web mapping API for example :
1- Arc GIS API for Silverlight
2- Arc GIS API for Javascript
3-Arc GIS API For Flex
in ArcGIS 10.2 ESRI will not support ArcGIS Web ADF Control for java/ DontenFramework
is it true?
and Which API is better for future javascript or silverlight or flex?
Google Announces Google Maps Floor Plan Marker App
By Lurker,
According to the description in Google Play, the Google Maps Floor Plan Market App helps Google Maps show users their location more accurately within indoor venues. Walk around the floors in a popular, public building to collect publicly broadcast data, and afterwards, users of the Google Maps Android app will be able to see their location ("the familiar blue dot") in those floors when they're inside the venue. Note that you must first upload a floor plan. Likely to be of interest mostly to map
Leica Geosystems introduces Version 4.2 of Spider Software Suite for GNSS
By Lurker,
Leica Geosystems has released version 4.2 of its Leica Spider software suite for GNSS RTK networks and reference stations. Leica Spider software is an integrated suite of programs for GNSS networks, consisting of Leica GNSS Spider, Leica SpiderWeb and Leica SpiderQC. With its scalability and modularity, it can be tailored to suit various GNSS surveying, machine control, GIS, seismic and structural monitoring applications, Leica Geosystems said.
One of the major enhancements is the added suppor
Carmanah Launches M650 GPS Marine Lantern
By Lurker,
Carmanah Technology Corporation’s (TSX: CMH)(Pink Sheets: CMHXF) best-selling M650 solar marine lantern is now available with GPS-synchronized flash. GPS-synchronized flash allows any number of M650 GPS lanterns to flash in unison with atomic precision. Like Carmanah’s larger GPS-equipped solar marine lanterns, the M650 GPS uses the precise timing signal of GPS satellites to coordinate its flash pattern with other GPS-equipped lanterns, allowing a mix of different lantern models to flash togethe
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