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Dn values after applying attmospheric correction method
By gisareafor,
Hi all
As you know atmospheric effect cuses real Dn values to be reduced.
So if we apply an atmospheric correction method like quic correction or log residual (using envi software)
resulted dn valuse should be in original range.
But what is the problem?
for example after applying quac method,dn values range grow to 10 or 20 time grater than original value.
What is the problem?Do you know?
Than you
A low pass,Hight pass and fusion image in matlab
By am2,
For my class work I have to run a low pass filter on one image,Then a hight pass filter on another image and at last fuse those results using an mean function and crate a new image..
I have searched and found some usefull codes in matlab..Does any one have some sources that I can use them too?some example codes or sth like that?
I also may need to define a Threshold and set some pixels of image that are more than this Threshold to 0 ..What is the best way to do this?
Thaks a lot for y
How to divide an area on the basis of environmental conditions
By mshakir,
Hi everyone,
I am working on a classification scheme for the US state of Kansas for 6 years. but the region has different climate from east to west influencing on vegetation and crops in this reference i want to know how can i apply my methodology to get the reasonable results?
Thanks in advance
landsat 5 and 8 classification problems
By styfler,
Hi guys, hows doing?
A old problem that I have with both landsat 5 (bands 543) and landsat8 (654) in classification of urban areas is a confusion of the classification (maximum likehood classifcation) about some low albedo features, mainly shallow water and asphalt. I tryed a thousand times, with the most accurate samples I could do (fusion image with pancromatich), both at envi and arcmap.
The only software I could obtain a better result was Ecognation with segmentation, but I only have
WorldView-3 images will be available next year
By Arhanghelul,
Good news for remote sensing industry and for the satellite images users. WorldView-3 images will be accessible for public (not for free ) starting from may 2015 !
WorldView-3 images will have the best spatial resolution existing, for civilian customers:
0.31 m for b&w band and 1 m for multispectral bands.
I belive this event and future events for new and better high-resolutio
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