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GIS for Plantation Plannning
By qed,
i'm looking for any add-on, extension or software for doing plantation planning (oil palm). these include zoning based on terrain, no of trees can be planted based on distance and slope, optimum road construction.
Thanks in advance.
Folder structures for GIS
By Reyalino,
Dear gisarea,
I've been working with gis for 2 years, but still I am not good in managing the data. There are so many shp, received from the clients, edited data, delivered data and etc. Yes I've used the geodatabase to managing the gisdata but I can't make good structures folder to manages this shp. I've tried with making structures folder such as below
Start Data (I keep all raw data in this folder)
Work Data (all edited shp file and raster i put on this folder
Delivered Data ( I put my
[Req]Some sources about metric and sebal models for evapotranspiration
By am2,
I am going to calculate evapotranspiration using these two models (Sebal and metric) and aster images ,Does any one worked with these models?I need some sources about running these models on images,If you have some hints I'd thank you if share them
Thank you so much
Converting dwg to shape
By am2,
I am looking for a shopping center plan shape file,I have already found some dwg files but converting them to shape file is a pain
I want polygon layers but when I convert them arcmap get lines
Can some one please help me with this by help me converting dwg to shape and get buildings parts as shape file.thank you so much
shapefile conversion in ENVI
By A346,
does anybody know how I can convert a profile to a shapefile or create a georeferenced line with pixel values below that in ENVI?
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