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A general guide for building drones or UAV's
By Arhanghelul,
Hello members of GIS AREA !
Drones, also named UAV's or UAS's, are becoming increasingly popular for different applications.
Me, I am interested in the field on drones applications for remote sensing, more exactly for aerial mapping, to produce orthophotos, Digital Terrain Models (DEM) and other products which are very useful for research or private businesses.
I would like to know more about how to build a personal drone from 0, how to selected the best platform for the application of
Elements of Projection
By mwin002,
Hi All
Can someone please tell me what
"Scale Error" is as an element of projection
and also
what "Grid Scale Constant" is as an element of projection
Any help would be appreciated
How the postgreSQL/postGIS database implemented OGC standards?
By adel.naseri,
For one work I needed to understand How the postgreSQL/postGIS database implemented OGC standards...
Can anyone answer this question with examples of this implementation or suggest me to a good reference in this context?
Open Source UAV Post Processing Solution
By Lurker,
Hello, UAV recently gain huge popularity,
We could find low cost UAV too (we have a recent project using custom fix wing drone that only cost approx under 5000 dollar), but how bout low cost or even free post processing software ?
I find this interesting articles and tutorials :
using open source software like Meshlab, CMPMVS, VisualSFM, and such
but, anyone in here have the experience with above method?
share your thought
Regarding subset of Sentinel 1 stack for SBAS
By Corsa,
I am attempting to process a stack of S1A SLC for SBAS.
I face two issues regarding creating a subset in slant range.
1) From the tutorial here: http://sarmap.ch/tutorials/Getting_started.pdf
After generating the area subset, the extensions are _pwr (by default). However, I cannot ingest this file format in the SBAS flow. Am I supposed to edit the extension to _slc_list_pwr manually?
2) From the tutorial here: http://sarmap.ch/tutorials/PS_Tutorial_V_0_9.pdf
In page 35, there is
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