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ISODATA classification
By Nice,
Dear all,
Have taken some remote sensing courses since I have gained a raising interest in the topic. However the theory provided is very little. For a homework task I came along the following question but have no clue where to start since no information is given. Could someone help me out or give me a push in the right direction?
Explain how the ISODATA classifier works by performing an ISODATA classification on the following data. Use 3 classes, a maximum of 5 iterations, and a converg
wınd turbine location
By mehmetgur87,
Hi community, I have a question that how can I choose the suitable area fro locate wind turbines?? I have the layers and maps but ı am not sure about the pathways to create final map? Can anybody help me ? . there are some crıterıas lıke turbınes should be far from roads 100m and slope must be under 10%, how can ı combıne all of them and after enter all the crıterıas how can ı reach the fınal map that show me suıtable place????
Many idea about Script in Phyton for process data
By 3dbu,
Hi community , i have a doubt , i need made a script in phyton that read a folder with 4800 raster in tif format, each raster is month and i need sum by month and year , i made a model builder for iterate just 12 raster x year and sum all, but my problem begin when i want to create a scripts that sum per year all raster and generate a raster for each year that summarized all raster for each month per year, in total are 40 year of data ....
Anyone could give a idea for made that script com
How to design/program specific label?
By Lost_in_Space,
Hi, everyone!
I need a piece of advise how to make label that includes information of 2 columns divided by horizontal line and white circle for the background in ArcGIS. It should be like this image.
The shape I'm trying to label is polygon.
publish an orthophoto without needing mxd file.
By Fatin Rimawi,
I wonder if anyone has a tool or a method that can help me to Publish an orthophoto without the need to include it in mxd file.
Thank you
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